Thursday, January 24, 2013

Last 6 months in Hong Kong

After going through fluxes of disappointment, rediscovery and continuously falling in and out of love with this city and my life here, It has finally come to the last semester in Hong Kong.
Although I can't say for sure what the summer will bring and where i'll be settled from then on, it still marks the end of my student life in Hong Kong.

As if finding new restaurants or cafes hidden in the vast city would cure any home-sickness and lonliness the last 2 years has been a continuous (and expensive) journey to not only learning and discovering new foods but also growing to appreciate the culture and history behind the food.

I always loved writting, and I hope that one day I'll be able to look back on these last few months and cherish whatever memories I had filled then up with :) Oh and also I can't honestly keep track of all the places that I want to go, have to go and did end up going.

So as always, I'll make endless lists and for now it'll be mostly on Hong Kong but as my summer begins to shape up, hopefully the list will extend further across continents and oceans :)

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