Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Eel and Pigs Liver Congee in Congee King

Congee King
7 Heard Street, Wan Chai
(Oppposite the Capital Cafe)

Price: 70 HKD (specialty congee + donuts)
Rating: 7/10 

After waking up early and battling out the crowds in the MTR ... and then waiting in a never-ending queue infront of the Chinese Consulate for a Chinese Visa.. I was left insanely hungry, incredibly dissatisfied and in grave need of comfort food. Anyways this place came hihg

Unless you have friends that have the same "all-goes except celery" diet, it's really hard to find fellow enthusiasts who'd get excited over bowl of eel and pig's liver congee...
That being sad, this was the most delicious one I've tried here! THere's couple of other normal ones without intestines, livers etc. that is more suitable for 'western' taste!

The place is also quite packed, and you're silently (or sometimes even verbally) pushed to eat quickly and leave even quicker, so if you're looking for a 'nice' lunch look somewhere else!
The price was also 

Make sure to order a side-dish of chinese-doughnuts! (Unlike the name, it isn't sweet at all, just fried pastry in fact a little salty) You can dip them into the congee and eat it together! It's a MUST!

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